Professional Profile
Associate University Librarian for Research & Instructional Services at Temple University's Paley Library since 2007
- Previously Library Director at Philadelphia University (1997 - 2006) and Associate Library Director at Penn's Wharton School Library (1994-1997).
Curriculum Vitae
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Short Curriculum Vitae
Full Curriculum Vitae
I'm a graduate of Penn's Graduate School of Education. I earned a Doctorate in Education (Ed.D), in 1997. My dissertation topic was "A Critical Analysis of Strategic Decision Making for Information Technology in Academic Research Libraries," a study of the decision-making process for the acquisition of large scale information technology at academic institutions - although focusing on the library's decision process for acquiring a new library management system. Prior to that I earned my MLS at Drexel University, and my undergraduate degree (in American Studies) is from Temple University.
I am currently on hiatus from teaching as an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Drexel University College of Information Science & Technology. I have taught the Academic Library Services (I651) course for several years, as well as courses in information resources and business librarianship.
I enjoy writing and try to publish an article or two each year. In addition I maintain the Kept-Up Academic Librarian blog which I believe can help my colleagues keep up-to-date with news and events in higher education, and I am a member of the blogging team for ACRLog. I also add occasional posts at the Designing Better Libraries blog. In March 2009 I started writing the "From the Bell Tower" column (see link below) for Library Journal Academic Newswire. This weekly column explores the intersection of academic librarianship and higher education.