Reading Lists
This page contains reading lists that I have created on different topics.
Reading lists can contribute to a keeping up regimen by providing a targeted
lists of news and information sources in a way that allows anyone to quickly and
conveniently subscribe to the sources in their news aggregator. To use these
reading lists you must first be subscribing to a news aggregator such as Bloglines. A reading list, technically
speaking, is an OPML file. When the file is imported into one's news aggregator
it will automatically subscribe to all the RSS feeds included in the OPML file.
In other words it's a convenient way to add recommended resources to your
keeping up regimen.
There are two ways you can obtain the reading list. For those news
aggregators that will accept it you can simply cut and paste the URL of the web
page where the OPML reading list file is located. For those that do not
currently accept the URL method, simply right-click and save the OPML reading
list file to your computer and then allow your news aggregator to import the
file. See below for instructions on "importing subscriptions" in Bloglines.
Reading Lists
This page contains reading lists that I have created on different topics.
Reading lists can contribute to a keeping up regimen by providing a targeted
lists of news and information sources in a way that allows anyone to quickly and
conveniently subscribe to the sources in their news aggregator. To use these
reading lists you must first be subscribing to a news aggregator such as
Bloglines. A reading list, technically
speaking, is an OPML file. When the file is imported into one's news aggregator
it will automatically subscribe to all the RSS feeds included in the OPML file.
In other words it's a convenient way to add recommended resources to your
keeping up regimen.
There are two ways you can obtain the reading list. For those news
aggregators that will accept it you can simply cut and paste the URL of the web
page where the OPML reading list file is located. For those that do not
currently accept the URL method, simply right-click and save the OPML reading
list file to your computer and then allow your news aggregator to import the
file. See below for instructions on "importing subscriptions" in Bloglines.
Available Reading Lists
Higher Education
This list includes the following resources:
The Chronicle: Daily News Blog
Inside Higher Ed
The Kept-Up Academic Librarian
New York Times Higher Education News
The Chronicle: Wired Campus Blog
CNN: Education News
Connect.EDUCAUSE - Technology In Academia
Go to the web page at
Save the Higher Education OPML reading list file to your
computer (right click on the link to begin the save procedure)
Technology Resources
This list includes technology blogs, newsletters, and news publications:
Library Tech Now
WebJunction's Emerging Technologies Discussion Board
Phil Bradely's Blog
The Chronicle: Wired Campus Blog
Creating Passionate Users
MIT Technology Review: Top Stories
Google Inc. (Topix News Search)
TL Infobits
Library Journal InfoTech News
New York Times Technology News
American Library Association TechSource Blog
Go to the web page at
Save the Technology OPML reading list file to
your computer (right click on the link to begin the save procedure)
NOTE - I also recommend subscribing to
Campus Technology newsletters
such as News Update, IT Trends, SmartClassroom.
However, these are not available via RSS feed so they must be received as email
Google News and Information
This list includes the following resources:
Official Google Blog
Inside Google Book Search
Inside Google Desktop
Googling Google
Google, Inc. -
UBC Academic Search - Google Scholar Blog
Google Operating System
The Google Weblog
Search Engine Watch
Search Engine
Google Blogoscoped
Phil Bradley's weblog
Pandia Search Engine News
Go to the web page at
Save the Google OPML reading list file to your
computer (right click on the link to begin the save procedure)
How To Import the Reading List into your news
aggregator (using Bloglines as an example)
The objective of this operation is to add the listed feeds
above to your news aggregator in a single step. This will save a good deal of
time that would otherwise be spent subscribing to each feed individually. After
all the feeds have been added to your aggregator you can decide which are the
most valuable to you and then you can delete any that are of little or no use.
1. Access Bloglines
2. Click on EDIT to get started:

3. Scroll all the way down the page where you will find the IMPORT

4. Click on IMPORT SUBSCRIPTIONS. This will bring up a screen in the right
frame of Bloglines that looks like this:

5. As indicated above - browse and find the OPML file that you downloaded to
your computer - and then import it to Bloglines.
6. If the operation is successful you will see this message:

7. Enjoy your new feeds